Talk with expert – Online Consultation for gynecology

As we all are aware of the current scenario the covid-19 virus attact to weak immune system. Women during pregnancy need much care, as this is the time when their immune system gets weaken. Travelling from one place to another during the lockdown gets difficult. Dr Suman Lal expert in gynecology has come out with a great solution to the pregnant women, Online Consultation for gynecology is available you just need to book your slot and get the remedies from her.

Online consultation is the easiest way to all your problems. Sometimes during pregnancy we have certain queries in our mind, Dr suman lal is the best person to solve those queries. During pregnancy we should be positive and strong.

Online Consultation for gynecology

Online Consultation for gynecology has its own multiple benefis. Its save your travelling time and unnecessary money that we spend during travelling. Sometimes it happen that during travelling from one place to another pregnant women feels tired and its lead to unwanted circumstances. or every woman, an important key to maintain optimum health is getting regular gynecologic care. For women experiencing either simple or complex gynecologic conditions.

When should women consult a gynecologist?

Consulting a gynecologist should be a priority if women,

  • Have any irregularities in menstrual cycles
  • Find abnormalities in the breasts like pain or lump or discharge etc
  • Are planning for pregnancy
  • Need options for contraception or family planning
  • Find any urinary abnormalities like pain or burning sensation
  • Experience vaginal discomfort
  • Suffer from heavy or prolonged or painful periods
  • During menopause
  • Having issues relating to fertility

If you are facing any of such issue you can contact Dr Suman lal online, She will be the best doctor you would be looking for. She treat every patient as her child and look after their health affectionately. Now days online consultation has been reduced to minimal cost. Book your appointment now and get her advice. Stay happy Stay Safe . Get sorted all your problems Digitally when we have doctor like Suman lal.

Risks in Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy, also known as keyhole surgery, is a diagnostic and surgical procedure which is sued to examine the internal organs of the body through minimum invasion. The procedure involves the use of laparoscope which is inserted into the body using small incisions.

Laparoscope is a long thin tube which has a high resolution camera at its end which is inserted into the body. As it moves inside the body, it sends images which the surgeon can view on a monitor. The doctor is able to view the organs real time without having to completely make large incisions. This procedure allows biopsy samples.

Treatment using Laparoscopy

Many surgical procedures which were earlier performed through major surgeries, are now done laparoscopically. It is used extensively in gynaecological procedures. Some of the laparoscopic procedures include:

  • Sterilization (tubal ligation)
  • Gynaecologic cancerstaging
  • Myomectomy (removal of fibroids)
  • Hysterectomy(removal of the uterus with or without the cervix)
  • Tubal Reanastomosis

The recovery time of laparoscopy surgery is much faster as there are no large abdominal incisions. Women can resume their normal activities within a few weeks. However, not all surgeries can be performed through laparoscopy. Large tumours or mases and extensive endometriosis may require open surgeries. Though the risk is lower with laparoscopy, they are not totally absent. A qualified surgeon with good experience in advanced laparoscopy can properly evaluate the patient for these procedures.

Risks in Laparoscopy

Watching for Signs of Infection 

The doctor will evaluate for signs of infections in the patient post laparoscopy. The patient should contact the doctor if they experience:

Laparoscopy involves a minor risk of damage to organs during the procedure. If an organ is punctured, it can lead to leakage of blood and other fluids. The surgeon then has to perform a surgery for repairing the damage.

There are other less common risks involved:

  • a blood clot, which could also affect pelvis, legs, or lungs
  • complications from general anaesthesia
  • inflammation of the abdominal wall

Not all cases all suitable for laparoscopy. In some cases, the surgeon may believe that the risk of diagnostic laparoscopy may outweigh its benefits. This may happen where the patient has undergone an abdominal surgery earlier. Therefore, there is an increased risk of adhesions being present between the abdomen walls. It is risky to perform laparoscopy in presence of adhesions as it will be a time consuming procedure and have an increased risk of injuring organs.

It is important to consult a good laparoscopic doctor in Gurgaon who has extensive knowledge of this procedure and can perform it with adequate skills to minimize the risks.

Dr Suman Lal is a leading practitioner of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Gurgaon with an experience of around 25 years in this field. She is a laparoscopic Specialist in Sector 54 Gurgaon with a Diploma in Advanced Gynaecology Laparoscopic Surgery from Germany. She is one of the most respected doctors and has helped several patients through her treatment and care.


Causes and Treatment of Infertility

Infertility is the inability to get pregnant after almost 1 year of trying to conceive. Infertility can be primary or secondary. Primary infertility is when a couple is unable to conceive even after trying for 1 year. Secondary infertility is when the couples who have been able to get pregnant at least once but are experiencing challenges.

There are several factors which can lead to infertility and the problem could be either in man or woman.

Causes and Treatment of Infertility

Female infertility could occur sue to any of the following:

  • The fertilized egg does not attach itself to the womb
  • The egg does not reach the womb
  • Ovaries are unable to produce eggs
  • The fertilized eggs attach itself to the lining of the womb, but does not survive post that

The factors causing female infertility include:

  • Eating disorders or poor nutrition
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Growths (such as fibroids or polyps) in the uterus and cervix
  • Defects in the reproductive tract
  • Underlying health conditions such as diabetes
  • Age
  • Obesity
  • Ovarian cysts and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Pelvic infection resulting in scarring or swelling of fallopian tubes (hydrosalpinx) or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Male infertility occurs when

  • There is low sperm count
  • Defects in the sperm
  • Blockage which prevents release of sperm

The factors responsible for male infertility are:

  • Excessive use of alcohol and recreational drugs
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Infection
  • Impotence
  • Age
  • Obesity
  • Birth defects
  • Testicular infection
  • Exposure to toxins

Infertility is treated based on the underlying cause. The following are some common treatment.

  1. Fertility Drugs

Medications can help in regulating ovulation. It is fairly effective and will help the woman conceive naturally within three cycles. However, there is a risk of multiple pregnancies with use of medicines.

  1. Hormone Injections

Hormone injections can also stimulate ovulations when medication is not effective. This treatment can also lead to multiple pregnancies.

3.Surgery for Blocked Fallopian Tubes

This may happen due to endometriosis, infections in the pelvic area and previous surgeries in the abdomen. Laparoscopy can be used to remove the scar tissue.

  1. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

In this procedure, the sperm is placed directly into the uterus when ovulation takes place to facilitate fertilization. This is effective in treating different types of infertility. This treatment can be combined with drugs to increase ovulation.

  1. In Vitro Fertilization

IVF is a popular assisted reproductive technology which can be used in case of several types of infertility. The embryos are created by combining egg and sperm is a dish in the laboratory. Hormone injections are given to stimulate egg production and they are retrieved through a surgical procedure and placed inside the uterus post fertilization.

  1. Surrogate Pregnancy

Surrogacy is an option for women who are at a risk of miscarriage. The embryo can be created using IVF and placed inside the uterus of the surrogate. Another option is to inseminate the surrogate with the sperm of the partner.

Dr Suman Lal is an experienced infertility doctor in Gurgaon. She is trained in various advanced reproductive techniques such as IVF and has helped several couples overcome their infertility challenges. She has her infertility clinic golf course road Gurgaon where she can offer you her expertise and care.

Laparoscopy: An Important Technique in Gynecology

Correct diagnosis is important for appropriate treatment. It optimizes the use of resources and also eliminates the need for unnecessary therapies. Diagnosis plays an important role in gynecology, because the symptoms and diseases that this branch of medical science deals with also correlate with other specialties.

Laparoscopy is a procedure that has been used extensively over the last three decades. It is especially popular in diagnosis in the field of gynecology. This is because of certain technical parameters such as magnification that it offers and also less risk of complication using the technique. It is minimally invasive and has lower recovery time.

laparoscopic doctor in Gurgaon

The Procedure of Laparoscopy

The procedure is performed using an instrument called laparoscope which is long and slender. One to three small incisions are made in the abdomen through which the instrument in inserted. The camera attached to it allows the doctor to examine the reproductive organs on an electronic screen.

Sometimes, diagnosis is combined with corrective surgery, where other instruments are used during the procedure to fix the problem. For example, when looking for the cause of pelvic pain,  or pelvic mass the problem, if diagnosed can be treated during the procedure itself.

The main advantage of this procedure is lower risk of complication and reduced recovery time.

 The Uses of Laparoscopy

The procedure is used to diagnose and treat the following:

  • Endometriosis: Laparoscopy is recommended if medication has not helped. It the endometriosis tissue is visible during the procedure it can be removed at the same time.
  • Tumor: Certain types of tumors can be removed
  • Fibroids: These growths which may be formed inside or outside the uterus can be removed using laparoscopy
  • Ectopic pregnancy: These pregnancies can be terminated using laparoscopy.

Dr Suman Lal is a laparoscopic doctor in Gurgaon. She possessesin depth knowledge of this procedure and has successfully treated several medical conditions such as  infertility, endometriosis and fibroids using this technique. Her extensive experience of over 20 years in the field along with her educational qualifications, make her one of the best gynecologists and obstetrician in Gurgaon.


Choosing the Right Gynecologist

A gynecologist is a specialist who is concerned women’s reproductive health. Obstetricians take care of women during pregnancy and also after the baby is born. They also deliver babies.

Hence an obstetrician-gynecologist plays an important role in a women’s life including birth control, delivery and menopause. An obstetrician-gynecologist also treats infections and urinary tract problems, performs surgery for pelvic organs and screen for cancer in reproductive organs.

They deal with personal and sensitive health issues and therefore it is extremely important to have regular checkups with your gynecologist.

Choosing the Right Gynecologist

Some women may be intimidated in having a frank discussion with their doctor about the sensitive parts of the body. So, it is important to find a doctor who is not only experienced and has expertise, but one with whom you can establish a personal rapport and discuss your intimate issues with.

Understand that gynecologistsare professionals who conduct their duties with utmost care. Hence, trust your doctor and share all relevant information which is important to share for correct diagnosis and treatment.

It helps to find a doctor which listens to you and respects your views as well. As a patient you would desire to engage in a two-way communication. Hence, you should be able to communicate frankly with your doctor and share all the concerns that you may have.

Gynecologists will advise you on personal topics like birth control, pregnancy and so it is important that her views are aligned with yours and she helps you take decisions you are comfortable with.

Dr Suman Lal is a top Gynecologist in Gurgaon. She has over 25 years of experience in this field. She is extremely passionate about helping her patients and deals each of them with utmost patience and care.

She is specialized in dealing with several issues that women encounter with respect to their reproductive health and believes in constantly upgrading her skills and knowledge to help them better. She is trained in a wide range of treatment procedures like laparoscopy, assisted reproductive technology, fertility surgeries hysteroscopy among others.

Several women have benefited from her care and personal touch that she offers her patients.

Can Body Weight Affect Fertility?

Infertility is a common problem affecting couples of all ages. There are various causes of infertility, a leading cause being body weight. This article explores how obesity causes fertility issues in men and women.

Obesity Affects Women’s Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual cycle is an indicator of women’s reproductive health. This is maintained by a fine hormonal balance. Unhealthy body weight can lead to the production of leptin which is produced by fatty tissue.  This in turn can cause hormonal imbalance which is one of the causes of infertility.

Body fat affects the menstrual cycle through a range of hormonal mechanisms. The higher the percentage of fat in the body, the greater is the risk of infertility. Abdominal fat can lead to insulin resistance and a decreased level of sex hormone-binding globulin which is responsible for regulating androgen and oestrogen.

The irregular levels of these hormones can make the menstrual cycles irregular and cause infertility issues in women. Studies have found that women who are obese are less likely to conceive within a year compared to women with healthy body weight.

The hormonal imbalance resulting from obesity can also increase the risk of anovulation, a condition when no egg is released. Women with a BMI of above 27 are more likely to suffer from anovulation compared to normal weight range.

Many overweight women may still ovulate, but the quality of eggs they produce may be reduced. This also reduces the chance of a successful conception. Even when using Assisted Reproductive Technology such as IVF, the chance of a live birth is lower for women with unhealthy body weight.

Can Body Weight Affect Fertility

Impact of Excess weight on Male Infertility

Obesity is also linked to lower fertility in men. It can lead to hormonal imbalance, sexual dysfunction and several other health conditions such as erectile dysfunction, type 2 diabetes. According to a study an extra 10 kilos of body weight reduces male fertility by 10 %.

Similar to women, men also have a reduced probability of conceiving using IVF when they are overweight. This is because obesity reduces sperm quality and also affects the physical and molecular structure of sperms cells.

How to Address the Challenge?

Though fertility can seem like a challenging issue, weight-loss interventions can improve chances of pregnancy. This can be achieved by consuming a healthy diet and following an exercise regime can significantly improve the chances of conceiving.

Even a modest weight loss of 5-10 percent can have a significant impact on the body and boost the chances of conceiving naturally.

Trying to conceive a life is a precious felling. Couples who adopt a positive health behavior have a positive impact on each other. Irrespective of which spouse is having fertility issues, it helps if both adopt a healthy lifestyle and prepare to welcome their bundle of joy.

Dr Suman Lal is an infertility doctor in Gurgaon, who has helped several women overcome fertility issues andembrace a healthy pregnancy. She believes in giving spontaneous conception a chance and encourages couples to adopt a healthy lifestyle to improve their reproductive health.

Infertility in a Nutshell

Infertility refers to the inability to conceive and give birth to a child. There are cases where the women may become pregnant, but they would continue to have miscarriages or still births which is commonly referred to as infertility. Infertility has become a common problem in human beings in the recent times, but the women might fail to become pregnant even after a year of continuously trying which would leave the couple disheartened.

It is important for the couple to retain their strength and visit a gynecologist to help them conceive a child. There are a number of techniques such as assisted reproductive technology, surgery and drugs that are being used to treat infertility. Dr. Suman Lal has one of the best Infertility clinic in golf course road Gurgaon with good staff and latest techniques which has helped many couples fulfill their dreams of having a baby.

Infertility in a Nutshell

Causes for Infertility

There are several factors that might cause infertility in men or women and one of the most common cause of female infertility is either lack of ovulation or irregular ovulation. One of major causes of infertility problems in men are because there are some problems in the testes which would affect the formation of the sperm in men that might lead to lower sperm count or lack of healthy sperm in men which might lead to infertility.

There are other aspects that would affect the infertility in women which would include the problems in reproductive organs or hormonal imbalance or scarring or blockages of the fallopian tubes that would lead to the infertility in women.

A number of these problems in human are a result of lifestyle changes and irregular habits in women that might affect their fertility. Smoking, obesity, alcohol consumption, sexually transmitted diseases, endometriosis, and age are some of the problems that would contribute to infertility in women.

In men blockage of tubes is one major reason for infertility, however, lifestyle choices such as steroids, smoking, alcohol, drugs, exposure to heat, age and sexually transmitted diseases are some of the most common reasons for infertility.

Infertility Evaluation

Infertility is evaluated by a set of medical tests and examinations to identify the reason for the inability of a couple to become parents. Infertility evaluation is important because if the reason for infertility is identified then it would be easier to treat infertility. Though, there may be some cases where the infertility can be treated without identifying the reason, there are several other cases where the infertility cannot be treated without proper evaluation.

A couple can consider infertility evaluation in the context of the following cases:

  • If the female did not conceive even after one year of regular intercourse without using birth control
  • If either of them is older than 35 years and the woman did not become pregnant even after trying consistently for six months without birth control
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Either of the partners have a fertility problem

The preliminary tests for infertility evaluation are conducted by the obstetrician or gynecologist and after the first assessment tests the gynecologist would refer the couple to the infertility specialists.Infertility specialists are those gynecologist or obstetricians who have a special training and certification in treating men or women with infertility.Dr. Suman Lal is a good Infertility Specialist in Sector 54 Gurgaon who has the required certification and expertise in treating infertility issues.




What you Need to Know About Laparoscopy?

How many of you are afraid of operation tables and surgeries? You are not alone. But thanks to modern technology like Laparoscopy, surgeries have become less invasive. This is major advancement in medical science which has made recovery from surgeries faster.

Laparoscopy is boon for patients who have to undergo testing or surgeries. It does not require large incisions, thus minimizing the pain and blood loss. Also, this procedure requires less analgesia and the patients do not suffer much from its unwanted effects. The instruments used are finer and less likely to cause tissue trauma and blood loss. These advantages minimize the recovery period and the risk associated with the procedure. And of course, patients prefer smaller scars which is another advantage of this technique.

Laparoscopic doctor in Gurgaon

Recovery from Laparoscopic surgery depend on many factors like the presence of health issues, the reason why the surgery was performed, complications of the surgery. Your doctor will be able to answer all your queries and address any concern that you may have with respect to the procedure. If all is well, you can get back to your routine life by 1 week. Sometimes the doctor may suggest rest upto 3 weeks if the procedure requires so. You need to listen to your body. If you are still feeling tired take more rest than advised and talk to your doctor.

Laparoscopy is extensively used in gynecology. In fact, most of the surgeries can be performed by Laparoscopy. Sometimes it is used for diagnosis only, like checking whether the fallopian tubes are open, to investigate causes of pain or determine causes of infertility, checking for cancer. Operative Laparoscopy is also performed to treat certain conditions like minor adhesions, endometriosis, fibroids, cysts and others. Sterilization and removal of uterus is also done through Laparoscopy.

It is important to get the procedure from a doctor who is trained well and has expertise in performing Laparoscopy. This minimizes the chances of complications. Dr Suman Lal is a Laparoscopic doctor in Gurgaon. She has a Diploma in Advanced Gynecology Laparoscopic Surgery and has also received advanced Laparoscopic trainings. She has successfully performed the procedure on many of her patients and helped them overcome their health issues.


A Reason for Hope

Pregnancy brings boundless joy to the expecting parents. Sadly, many couples struggle to conceive naturally. This may be due to several underlying factors. Your doctor will suggest the right treatment based on the cause of your infertility.

IVF (In vitro fertilization) is a popular technique which is a boon to couples who long for a baby but are unable to conceive naturally. It is a part of assisted reproductive technology (ART) which doctors use to help couples dealing with fertility issues. The IVF is used for patients with infertility causes like blocked Fallopian tube, ovulation disorders, uterine fibroids and unexplained causes of infertility.It is also helpful when there is male factor infertility like sperm motility or decreased sperm count.

A Reason for Hope

Like all medical technology, even IVF has its limitations. It may take more than one attempt for a couple to conceive through IVF. If you have decided to opt for IVF, it is important to stay strong and believe that you will succeed.

Dr Suman Lal is a renowned IVF Specialist in Sector 54 Gurgaon. She is a Diploma in Assisted Reproduction Technique & IVF. She has helped many couples overcome infertility through IVF and make their dream of having a baby, come true. She prescribes fertility treatment after thoroughly understanding the underlying causes and ensuring that the treatment has a chance of success.

The fertility journey is not an easy one. It can be stressful for the both the partners. The partner who is having fertility issues may also feel the weight of the responsibility. There may be a lot of conflicting emotions and you may even feel like giving up at some point. Have faith, at the end of this difficult journey lies the beginning of a blissful one.

An IVF Doctor in Gurgaon, Dr Suman advice’s her patients to give spontaneous conception a chance before opting for any fertility treatment. Once her patient embarks the journey after considering all factors, she ensures that she supports her in every way that she may need. This helps in ensuring a higher success rate of the treatment and eases up the journey for the couple.

Are you ready to make your dream come true?


Mental Well-being in Pregnancy

Preparing to welcome a new member into your family is an exciting time, but it also has its challenges. You might have heard and read all about physical wellbeing during pregnancy, but do you know mental health is equally important? So be prepared if you are experiencing some emotional changes.

For many women, pregnancy can bring mixed feelings. Do not think you are alone if you are worried, specially if this is your first pregnancy or an unplanned one. Though mood swings are common, but if you are feeling down all the time, it could indicate that something deeper is going on.

Depression and Anxiety During Pregnancy

Some pregnant women may experience depression or anxiety. Depression may cause irritability for weeks or even months. It may result from stress due to work or other personal issues. Anxiety is the fear of untoward things happening. A woman may be anxious that she may not be a good mother, or how she would balance her career and raise a baby.

If you feel anxious or depressed for a prolonged time, talk to your doctor right away so that you get the help you need during and after your pregnancy. Pregnancy has its ups and downs, but seeks professional help if:

  • You are feeling sad or worried for longer than 2 weeks
  • You are not able to function normally due to your mental condition
  • You are having panic attacks or developing compulsive behaviors

Anyone can have a mental health condition, and this is not something to be ashamed of. As an experienced Gynecologist in Gurgaon, Dr Suman Lal educates expecting mothers about emotional well-being during pregnancy.

Gynecologist in Gurgaon

Tips to Manage Your Mental Health

There are many things you can do to manage keep yourself cheerful and manage your mental health:

  • Don’t have unrealistic expectations from yourself and take adequate rest.
  • Maintain an active lifestyle
  • Eat healthy meals
  • Consult your doctor before taking any medicines
  • Spend time with people who care for you and make you feel relaxed
  • Reach out for help if you need it

Take care of your emotional needs the way you take care of your physical ones. Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy, there is no other journey as blissful as this.


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